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Europe Must Act

A growing social movement

What we are doing

What is Europe Must Act?

Europe Must Act's aims are rooted in ethical and humanitarian principles. We do not subscribe to any political ideology, recognising that the realisation of a rights-based migration and asylum policy will require close collaboration across the political spectrum. We do not endorse political parties or seek their endorsement. But we welcome everyone, regardless of political affiliation, who subscribes to EMA's core principles and goals.​

Europe Must Act began as a call for change from grassroots NGOs working in Greece. We are demanding this change on the highest European level.

Why 'Europe Must Act'?

“Europe must act” is not a cry of desperation. It is a call grounded in a deep optimism, a profound belief that the right choices can be made, that a fair and humane migration policy is possible, that through collective action we can build a better world.

“Europe must act” is not a naïve demand. Politicians compromising on their core values, on our core values, to stem the tide of populism; that is true naivety. It hands victory to those who desire to deny the basic human rights of others. There can be no compromise on human rights, never.

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Key Goals

For a more detailed description of EMA’s key goals read the Aegean Grassroots Report’s policy recommendations section.

  1. To unite communities across  Europe to welcome refugees and asylum seekers through relocation

  2. To ensure dignified reception conditions and alternatives to camps in Greece and along Europe’s external borders

  3. To secure a fair and humane European policy on asylum and migration

Core Principles

  1. We are non-violent.

  2. We are not affiliated with any political ideology.

  3. We are based on autonomy and decentralization.

  4. We are volunteers.

  5. We avoid shaming and blaming.


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